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Coronal is a new series dedicated to the landscapes of Europe: trees, towns, old military installations, farmland and ruins.

Group exhibition in Athens

Oct 17—31 at House of Lucie.

This, Promised

Published at MAP6.

Sentences of Landscape


The written series has finally gained a page of its own.

В седьмом номере ROAR

Выборка прошлогодних антивоенных текстов.

Interview with Urbanautica

Talking about landscape theory and "Old Growth".

Стихи, написанные на острове

Выборка текстов за три с половиной года.

Old Growth, vol II


The Old Growth series has recently received the Urbanautica Award for 2021, and was expanded with new work.

Мирный город

Последняя публикация в журнале "ФЛАГИ".

This, Promised

Published in AINT BAD.

Young Land

2015, 2022

 A new series on the natural and social landscape of Iceland.